Saturday, December 21, 2019

Over 267 Million Facebook User Data Leaked on Dark Web

According to reports, more than 267 million Facebook users IDs, phone numbers, and names have been exposed to the Dark Web. Reported by Comparitech and security researcher Bob Diachenko, info was found in a database that was accessible without the use of a password, with researchers believing the data was gathered as part of an illegal scraping operation or Facebook API abuse. Although this database was exposed for nearly two weeks, Diachenko reported it to the service providing managing its IP address. According to Engadget, a spokesperson has stated: “We are looking into this issue, but believe this is likely information obtained before changes we made in the past few years to better protect people’s information.”

Earlier in September, a security researcher found a similar database with 419 million records connected to Facebook accounts. 50 million accounts were hacked last September due to hackers exploiting a “vulnerability” in Facebook’s “View As” feature. Of course, prior to that, Facebook exposed 87 million users’ data to Cambridge Analytica, sparking a scandal that saw CEO Mark Zuckerberg summoned to Washington to testify before both the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees. In other tech news, Apple has entered the satellite business in order to beam data directly to your devices.

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